• 过滤净化流体 提高产品质量
  • 保护关键设备 消除停机风险
  • 优化生产工艺 降低运营成本
  • 控制环境污染 符合环保法规


Food and Beverage


Filter active carbon and filter aids, filter miscella and crude oil, polishing filtration for final product, filter the process water and cleaning water, filter raw material like sugar, filter the suspended solid and sediment, filter bean protein, fruit jelly, beer, etc.


Remove particles, improve the taste, brightness and purity, keep good quality, reclaim water, protect key equipment.


Filter active carbon and filter aids, filter miscella and crude oil, polishing filtration for final product, filter the process water and cleaning water, filter raw material like sugar, filter the suspended solid and sediment, filter bean protein, fruit jelly, beer, etc.
